
Traductor: History, Founders and Features

Traductor is a version of Google Translation which offered by Google to  Colombia country. Traductor is a also a tool of translation by Google what this offered Colombia country.

As we all know that when we use Google than Google offer their service to us according to the countrywide. Because Google owned a separate domain name of every country.

Here the example of this like if you are from India you searching anything on Google than it may happen that google redirect to its Indian version of its domain name which is

Also here If you are from America or outside countries from India than google can redirect you that country version of its domain name. As I told you above that Google owned a different domain name of every country.

Traductor: History, Founders and Features

So if you are interested in to checking out the google domain name of different country than you can search on google for list of google domain name countrywide.

If you don’t want to go to Google and want to be search on Google for this than here is a link which will taken to you at a page where you can easily find out google domain names for different countries.

What is Traductor

Traductor is a product of Google which is a Colombia version of Google Translator. Traductor also provide same features which provided by Google Translation.

But main difference about it is that Traductor provide their service mainly to Colombia and Google Translation serve their service to whole world. But here it doesn’t mean that other countries can’t access Traductor website.

This is not here my mean but the meaning is that Traductor website is mainly used by Colombian peoples for translating text to various languages.

Google launch their maximum all products for separately for different countries. Traductor is also one from them which offered for Colombia country.

As well as if you know about that I have already discussed about it above that google owned separate domain name for every country. So here if you add translate before every domain name of google.

Than it will redirect you to the translation tool of Google. But here the main differences will be like the language of the content available on the website may differ.

Traductor for Colombia

As here in this article I have talking again and again about the Traductor that it offered mainly its services mainly to the Columbia country. So the question is why because as you may now that domain name offered Google services to Columbia.

Here also the Traductor or translate tool which added translate in the domain name of google like which is a domain name of Google which offered to the Columbia.

So that why here I am discussing again and again about it that Traductor offered translation services to Columbia. In other words we can say that the Google Translation tool is known ad Traductor in Columbia country.

If you want to explore or want to know more about the Google services for Columbia than you should need to visit to its official domain name which offered to the Columbia country which is

Google Traductor

Traductor is also known as Google Traductor because this is a Google translation version for Columbia. Not just Google Traductor but also Traductor is searched by lakhs of people on the google as a Traductor google, Traductor de google.

Why Traductor

Do you have any language problem or do you want to translate text from one language to another language. If yes than here I want to clear you in this case Google Traductor is great tool for you.

Google Traductor just not help you only in the translation of text in various languages as well as you can also use Google Traductor for learning language.

Learn Language Using Traductor

The main thing about learning language through Google Traductor is that you should need to learned any language before learning a new language.

Her my mean to this if you know a one language than with that language you can learn other languages. Some of the languages can’t be learn used Google Traductor like Arabic, Chinese, Japanese or more difficult languages.

But some of them can easily learned using Google Traductor like you can learn German language or other languages.

If we want to say this in simple words than we can say it about you can learn that languages easily by using Google Traductor which is near by that language which you already know.

Like if you know reading and writing of English language than with using Google Traductor you can easily learn those languages which are near to English.

For this if you want to learn any languages by using Google Traductor which is near to English than you need to know all the alphabets which are used in English.

You need to translate all the English alphabets in that language which you want to learn. If once you will learn that how to write English alphabets in that language.

Which you want to learn than you can easily learn any of the language using Google Traductor. So this is the very easy process to learn any language using Google Traductor.

How to use Traductor

After discussing about the Google Traductor that what it is now we should need to understand that how to use this tool and how we can translate text from one language to another language by using Google Traductor.

Bellow I have discussed about it that will help you to get understanding about that how you can use Traductor. Before discussing it you should need to know about the parts of Google Traductor which will help you to use this tool in proper way.

Parts of Traductor

Bellow are the parts of Google Traductor which you should know to understanding properly use of Google Traductor.

Left Side

In left side of Google Traductor you will found two main parts like languages and input box. So in language section of left hand side you need to select that language in which the text is written which text you want to translate.

On the other hand the input box available in left side you need to copy and paste the text which you want to translate in other language. You can also write the text instead copy and pasting the text which you want to translate.

Right Side

Similarly like left side in right side you will also see two section which are language section and output box. In the language section which available in the right side of Google Traductor.

You need to select that language in which you want to translate the tex. On the other hand the output box will show you the result of translated text. You can copy the translated text from output box and can use it for your own purpose.


You can use documentos as well as to translate text instead of copy or pasting and writing text in the input box. You can use .doc, .docx, .odf, .pdf, .ppt, .pptx, .ps, .rtf, .txt, .xls, or .xlsx documents for translating text from one language to another.

For using a document for translating text from one language to another language than for this you need to click on the Documentos section available in the Google Traductor.

After clicking on Documentos button you need to select a file by listing file types above by clicking on Explorar computadora. It will help you to select a file from your computer.


Historial tab which available in Google Traductor will help you to know about which text you translated recently.


Their is also a section available in Google Traductor known as Guardadas. This section will help you in creating your own phrasebook. If you are interesting in know more about it than click here.


If you find that any text or paragraph which you translated by Google Traductor is not 100% accurate than you should can contribute for it. This will help for those peoples who will similarly want to translate this text.

For contribute in a result of translated text you need to click on contribuir button available in the Google Traductor website and after that you need to select the text for which you want to give accurate translation.

Their are many peoples like you help to google translate to available more verified results for their langauges at Google Traductor.

Accuracy of Traductor

As I discussed above that Traductor is product of Google but we can’t trust fully on Google Traductor for accuracy. Because this is just a tool and its not possible that it translate text from one language to another language with 100%.

If you want to check the accuracy of Google Traductor on your own behalf than write a content in that language which you know and translate the text another language which you also know.

Now check the difference is the translation is 100% accurate if yes than it can be or if not than the accuracy of Google Traductor is not 100%.  It means here that Google Traductor is not 100% accurate.

If we want to estimate the accuracy of Google Traductor than here we can say that the accuracy of Google Traductor is between 80% to 90%. Sometimes it can vary from less than 80% or more than 90%.

I estimate the accuracy of Google Traductor by my own mind because I am also a user of Google Traductor and I use this tool fro my various works. After using Google Traductor I found that it is not 100% accurate tool.

Not even this but also other tools which help us in translation also are not 100% accurate. Google always try to keep their product best here also Google try to make Traductor more accurate.

Should you Use Traductor

This is often asked question by the users of Google Traductor or by those persons who want to use Google Traductor. They asked question like should I use the Google Traductor.

So answer of this question depends on you because we can’t do anything in this case. But here I want to explain this point by four ways which is given bellow.

Want to translate

If you want to translate text from one language to another language than yes you should use Google Traductor.

Are you from Columbia

If you belong to the Columbia and if you are citizen of Columbia and want to translate text from one language to another language than you should use Google Traductor.

Its because Google Traductor is google translation tool which mainly offered by google to Columbia users and citizens of Columbia.

Have doubt on accuracy

This is also a important point which affect the use of Google Traductor. If you have doubt about the accuracy of Google Traductor than I have already discussed about this point above.

Here if you satisfied the point I have discussed above about the accuracy of Google Traductor. Than you can use Google Traductor on the other side if you not satisfied with the accuracy of Google Traductor.

Here than its totally depend on you that you want to use Google Traductor or you don’t want to use Google Traductor. Because we can’t influence you in that case for using Google Traductor.

Have doubt on Traductor

If you have doubt on Traductor that its not a good product than here I can influence you a little bit to use Google Traductor. Because Traductor is the product of Google and it is 100% good product offered by Google.

As you may know that google is one of the most top companies in the world and maximum products which are launched by Google is good and used by millions of peoples.

So here Google Traductor is one of them which provide translation services to its users. Now if above discussed 4 points satisfied you than you should use Google Traductor.

Otherwise if you are still confused to using Google Traductor than kindly use Google Traductor on your behalf we can’t do anything in that case.

Traductor Ingles

Ingles is a language available in Google Traductor. If you want to translate any of the text to Ingles than you should select Ingles language in write side for translating any text to Ingles.

Traductor English Spanish

If you want to translate any text from English language to Spanish language than you need to select English language in left hand side and need to select Spanish language in the right hand side.

After doing above now you need to just write or copy pasting the content in left hand side of Google Traductor. After that the text will be translated from English to Spanish and the result will be displayed in the right hand side box.

Traductor Ingles Espanol

Here if anybody want to translate text from Ingles to Espanol than its easy. Anyone can easily translate text from ingles to espanol for this you need to follow the same process which is explained in above point.

Where anyone want to translate text to English to Spanish the main difference is that you need to change the languages for translating Ingles text to espanol.

You need to change the English language with ingles and remain Spanish same because espanol is itself a Spanish language to translate the ingles text to espanol.

Languages Available in Traductor

Bellow is the list of languages you can use for translation in Traductor. You need to just select the language in which you want to translate any text using Traductor.

As I told you above that Traductor is world most popular language translation tool which is developed by google. So here we can trust in this product.

The languages list given bellow is a illustrative purpose. If you want to know more about the languages available in Traductor than you can visit to the official website of Traductor.

If you don’t found Traductor website using Google than here is a link by which you can easily reach to the officially website of Traductor. Hope this link will work for you.

afrikáans albanés
alemán amhárico
árabe armenio
azerí bengalí
bielorruso birmano
bosnio búlgaro
camboyano canarés
catalán cebuano
checo chichewa
chino cingalés
coreano corso
criollo haitiano croata
danés eslovaco
esloveno español
esperanto estonio
euskera finlandés
francés frisio
gaélico escocés galés
gallego georgiano
griego gujarati
hausa hawaiano
hebreo hindi
hmong húngaro
igbo indonesio
inglés irlandés
islandés italiano
japonés javanés
kazajo kinyarwanda
kirguís kurdo
lao latín
letón lituano
luxemburgués macedonio
malayalam malayo
malgache maltés
maorí maratí
mongol neerlandés
nepalí noruego
oriya panyabí
pastún persa
polaco portugué
rumano ruso
samoano serbio
sesoto shona
sindhi somalí
suajili sueco
sundanés tagalo
tailandés tamil
tártaro tayiko
telugu turco
turkmeno ucraniano
uigur urdu
uzbeco vietnamita
xhosa yidis
yoruba zulú


If you are the regular visitors of than you may know that we add details for every business while we are writing article for that. Here because we are discussing about Traductor in this article.

So bellow here I have added some important details about Traductor. You may know either or use Traductor or either you don’t use Traductor.

Website Type

Traductor is a translation website where anyone can translate text into various languages. The list of languages in which you can translate text using Traductor are listed above.


Parent company or founder of Traductor is Google LLC. As we all know that Google is world most top companies which provide us internet products.


The industry related to the Traductor website is translation. Because the field which Traductor website works in translation.


Registration for Traductor is not necessary or Google don’t offer registration for Traductor. It means if you want to translate text from one language to another language by using Traductor than you not need to register in Traductor website.

Area Served

Traductor is a translation tool which is offered by Google. Maximum of the products of Google is for all over the world so here Traductor also we can assume that it provide service to whole world.

But we don’t found this data from web. Its because their are no article or other content available in the internet which will help us to understand that is Traductor served worldwide or not.

Because here we all know that Traductor is product of google and maximum of the products of Google served worldwide so here also we can assume that Traductor serve to worldwide.


Status of Traductor website is live and user can use Traductor  by visiting official URL of Traductor.


The official website of Traductor by which you can visit to the Traductor website is

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